Front garden, front door, porch, terrace, roof terrace, conservatory, balcony, courtyard, window sill - there is not a space that cannot accommodate a pot or two. Some gardens consist entirely of pots, planters and containers.

You can find traditional as well as contemporary designs at the Dulwich Pot and Plant Garden and we can help you choose the products which suit your home and personal style.

Our pots and planters come in all shapes and sizes ranging from small terracotta pots to window boxes to tree pots. All exterior plant containers are frost resistant.

The colours of our products range from elegant blacks, whites and greys to bright greens, blues and pinks and classic terracotta. The materials reflect the different designs on offer: terracotta, glazed terracotta, zinc and titanium zinc, granite, slate, marble, terrazzo, polystone, stone fibre, fibreclay, fibreglass, glass reinforced plastic, polyester and many other materials. A selected range of pots from suppliers including Iota and Woodlodge is always in stock.